Our Services


Genetic Counseling



We provide 45-minute, pre-test and post-test counseling sessions covering the following specialties


  • Pediatric & neonatal disorders including:


    • Developmental delay 發展遲緩

    • Autism, autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, bipolar disorders, and other behavioral abnormalities 包括神經系統疾病、發展和言語遲緩、智能障礙、自閉症,專注力失調及過度活躍症和行為障礙

    • Speech and motor delay 言語和動作遲緩

    • Dysmorphic and abnormal skeletal features 畸形和異常骨骼特徵

    • Neurological disorders 神經系統疾病

    • Emergency neonatal ICU cases 緊急新生兒重症監護病房病症

    • Newborn screening 新生兒篩查

    • Metabolic disorders 代謝綜合症

  • Prenatal and reproductive disorders including:


    • Carrier testing 攜帶者篩查

    • Non-invasive prenatal testing 無創產前胎兒篩查

    • Infertility 不育

    • Recurrent pregnancy loss 反覆流產

  • Family planning issues because of known familial genetic risks 由於已知的家族遺傳風險,而導致的計劃生育問題

  • Adult Genetic Disorders including:


    • Cancers and cardiovascular system disorders 癌症和心血管系統疾病

    • Hearing loss 聽力損失

    • Eye disorders 眼疾

    • Skeletal & mobility degeneration 骨骼與活動退化

    • Abnormality of the immune system 免疫系統異常

  • Hereditary cancers, including:


    • Breast and ovarian cancers 乳腺癌和卵巢癌

    • Prostate cancer 前列腺癌

    • Colorectal cancer and other cancers of the digestive system 大腸癌和其他消化系統癌

    • Stomach, pancreatic, skin and other cancers 胃、胰腺、皮膚和其他癌症

  • Neuro-degenerative disorders including dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases 神經退行性疾​​病,包括癡呆症、帕金遜症和阿茲海默症

  • Cardiovascular system abnormality including cardiomyopathy and arrhythmia 心血管系統異常,包括心肌病和心律不整

We Provide Genetic Counseling for Patients Who Are Considering the Following Types of Genetic Tests


Diagnostic testing is a genetic test performed in a symptomatic individual to confirm or exclude a genetic condition. If the test result is positive, the patient and the relatives should be offered genetic counselling. Even when the test result is negative, genetic counselling should also be needed.


Predictive testing refers to genetic testing in a healthy person or a high-risk relative of a patient diagnosed with a specific monogenic disorder. The mutation in the family leads to the disease or confers high risk for the disease.

Even if the family has previously been counselled, further pre- and post-test genetic counselling maybe needed with predictive test results.



Risk susceptibility testing means a genetic test of one or more genetic markers with the aim to detect an increased or decreased risk for a multifactorial condition in a healthy individual.

The clinical validity and utility of risk profiling for diseases of complex etiology needs to be proven before clinical use. If the test is or is claimed to be capable of detecting high relative risk for a serious condition and thus has significant implications for risk assessment, treatment or prevention in a person or his/her near relatives, then pre- and post-test genetic counselling is needed.



Carrier testing means a genetic test that detects a gene mutation that will generally have limited or no impact to the health of the patients. However, it may confer a high risk of developing the disease in their children. Pre- and post-test genetic counselling needs to be offered.


Prenatal testing refers to a genetic test performed during a pregnancy, where there is increased risk for a certain condition in the fetus. Pre- and post-test genetic counselling for the prospective parents needs to be offered.


What is included in a genetic counseling session?



Each Session will include:


  • Assessment of genetic risks for patients and their families


  • Education about genetic conditions, inheritance pattern, management of the diseases, and prevention of onset of disorders


  • Interpretation of genetic test results and discussions of their implications, onset, risks and clinical management


  • Discussion of genetic testing, additional testing and related clinical options, for patients and their family members


  • Referral to medical specialists for specific clinical assessment and treatment based on the genetic findings


  • Providing information about patient support groups


  • Providing psychosocial support





Our fees structure is designed to be affordable.


Patients who may not be able to pay for the regular fee may receive genetic counseling at a reduce cost during our community weekend outreach programs. Please inquire about availabilities of these programs.





We accept insurance payment. Please contact us to arrange for submission of claims to insurance companies.
